On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Adam Bolte <abo...@systemsaviour.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Matt,
> On 30/06/13 17:35, Matt Giuca wrote:
> > Thanks for a clear and detailed summary of your Ouya experiences.
> No worries. Right back at you.
> > It sucks that there are journalists going around saying that the
> > Ouya is less restrictive than it actually is (for certain,
> > apparently randomly selected, customers).
> Yes. I have noticed this too. When I first turned on the device, there
> was a large firmware update that needed to be applied, so possibly in
> doing that it has changed the initial sign-up behavior for those of us
> who only very recently received our Ouya devices.
> > Fortunately, instead of a credit card, you also have the option of
> >> using a pre-paid credit code. These were apparently available
> >> during pre-order, and can be brought from various places online.
> >> eg.
> >>
> >> http://www.game.co.uk/en/ouya-10-credit-232744
> >>
> >> So while some available credit must be verified (which I'm not
> >> defending - this aspect of the Ouya console sucks), it seems that
> >> you don't have to hand over your credit card to Ouya to store
> >> indefinitely if you don't want to.
> >
> > But then I have to pay them more money up front (which I don't feel
> > they deserve right now) and also wait for a physical card to be
> > shipped internationally.
> You're right. Hopefully cdkey-hut.com or some such will add Ouya
> support soon, so we can pay anonymously and without waiting on
> postage. Still would have to pay something up-front though.
> > I'm happier to get a general-purpose debit card. At least then I
> > can use the credit elsewhere, not just on Ouya. There are cards
> > that do not require opening a full bank account from Australia Post
> > and Woolworths. I'm trying to decide which one is better. They both
> > have some nasty drawbacks (like credit expiration and cancellation
> > fees).
> Interesting. I haven't looked into them, so know nothing about them.
> > I would definitely configure a PIN just in case I don't find myself
> > mashing the "shoot" button and a dialog pops up and I accidentally
> > mash the "Buy for $100" button.
> I'm pretty sure that there isn't any game on Ouya at that price. From
> game.co.uk, "Every OUYA game is free to try, but unlocking the game,
> additional features or extra play time can cost between £1 to £20".
> I've been quite impressed with how cheap the games are priced at so
> far. Your point still stands though.

Well, this post I linked to:
says that there was a game (EMUya) that charged $100 on a single payment.
(For unlocking "cheat mode" no less, what a ludicrous amount of money. Any
in-app purchase that expensive can only be designed to trick people or
their kids into buying it.)

> >> And that's Ouya's thing - every game must provide a no-cost
> >> playable component. If purchases could not happen in game, I
> >> expect commercial game developers might have good reason to be
> >> scared of people just playing demos and not making purchases. So
> >> it is clear to me that this mandatory credit was deliberately
> >> enforced as a marketing factor above all else.
> >>
> >
> > Yeah. I get that, and it's a good "hook" for them, but I still want
> > to be given the choice, as a consumer. Don't give me this bullshit
> > about it being "more convenient" for me when you're forcing me to
> > do it. Me having to spend a week researching debit cards is
> > certainly not "more convenient".
> Yep. "We're forcing you to do this because we know what's best, it's
> more convenient for everyone, and what's best for everyone is best for
> you too" is a shockingly unconvincing response by the Ouya crew.
> On second thoughts, perhaps the Ouya crew are correct - only they mean
> that it's more convenient *for them* to make us do this.
> > In the context of a game console, I'm pretty happy with the Ouya.
> >> There have been a few surprises (such as the built-in track-pad
> >> on the controller which I only discovered by accident), and of
> >> course "Make" being right on the main menu where you can run your
> >> software builds from. Already I have more games on my Ouya then I
> >> have for my Wii-U.
> >>
> >> - From a free software perspective however, it's been somewhat of
> >> a letdown. Apparently, the boot-loader is locked.
> >
> >
> > Really? That's not what their Kickstarter page says: "For hackers:
> > root it. Go ahead. Your warranty is safe. Even the hardware is
> > hackable."
> Hmm.. perhaps that link is wrong. I found a forum thread which
> contradicts the previous link:
> http://forums.ouya.tv/discussion/1380/recovery-mode/
> "The issue is not that the bootloader is locked... The issue is that
> there is no way to tell the bootloader to interrupt normal boot and
> enter fastboot mode.  Devices usually have a hardware button
> combination to do this."
> > That's even more troubling if it isn't even possible to change the
> > operating system if necessary.
> So it looks like it's possible - it's just not easy, and not easy to
> recover from when things go bad.
> - -Adam
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