Hi Adam,

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 03:11:03AM +1000, Adam Bolte wrote:
> On 09/08/13 12:53, Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> > I wrote a key submission application that you might find useful.
> > It's pretty spartan, but I've use it for keysigning parties at
> > linux.conf.au and other conferences and it does the job.
> > 
> > https://github.com/frasertweedale/pgpsubmit
> Looks neat. I'll look into it more closely if I have time (probably not
> before this months meet-up though).
> > Oh and I should also mention https://github.com/frasertweedale/gcaff
> > which is a friendlier alternative to caff for signing multiple keys.
> > Even has a GUI!
> I attempted to open some of the Debian keyrings just to see what the GUI
> looked like, but it would always fail with an uncaught exception. Didn't
> spend too much time on it, but I like the idea.
If you could send the traceback and [links to] the keyring(s) you
tried to open I'll take a look at it.



> > On Fri, Aug 09, 2013 at 12:20:05PM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> >> I think we will use some middle ground between the “Sassaman”
> >> <URL:http://keysigning.org/methods/sassaman-efficient> and “Ad hoc”
> >> <URL:http://keysigning.org/methods/adhoc>>. Specifically, I think the
> >> party will be small enough to use Ad hoc, but the central point of
> >> contact to co-ordinate the participating keys will be helpful.
> I'm expecting a number of people will not have any GnuPG experience, so
> am intending to provide a small presentation on the subject. If people
> bring laptops, they might create decide to create keys on the spot. I
> know this isn't ideal, but I think it's important to prioritise helping
> people get started.
> As the meet-up is only a few days away, it's probably not reasonable to
> expect everyone will have time to send me keys prior to the event. Happy
> to do this if people want, but I agree with your assessment that leaning
> towards ad hoc might be the way to go. Depending on how we go for time,
> how many people turn up (and interest levels), I'd even be happy to
> continue keysigning while waiting on dinner - if there are no
> objections, anyway.
> Cheers,
> Adam

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