On Fri, 2014-05-30 at 16:42 +1000, Ben M wrote:

> It's not quite the TPP/FTA scale, but it's the internet, it's piracy,
> it's the vibe.

Thanks for the link (I've just donated the equiv of 1 week worth of my
ciggie ration - I'm a heavy smoker - and had the pleasure to see my
contribution driving the amount collected over the target).

 In regards with "the vibe", I feel you limit it to a too small range.
ZDNet carried an article last week, which sets the things into an
interesting perspective :

        The government this year cut AU$38 million from Screen Australia
        over the next four years in this year's budget, a move that will
        see the organisation support the creation of fewer Australian
        films and TV shows.
        Although Brandis still favours a voluntary industry-led system,
        he said that there had been little interest from most ISPs since
        the iiNet High Court case to come to the table on negotiations.
        "A lot of the pressure on the ISPs to come to the table went
        away because the ISPs had a very comprehensive victory in the
        iiNet case," he said.

[I personally feel the liberals are very much about "socializing the
cost" in their last budget - my personal opinion, feel free to disagree]

Scrolling down to the comments section :

        Look, if somebody pirates movies and shows when LEGAL,
        REASONABLY PRICES and DRM free options exist, ABSOLUTELY NO
        EXCUSE. By all means work on some sort of punishment system.
        But targeting these people and putting resources into this AS
        THING ARE is disgusting. Give us a fair Australia with media
        delivered reliably by anyone wishing to do so, not just the
        Telstra/Foxtel juggernaut so that we may purchase our media
        legally and at competitive prices (you need competition to get
        competitive prices). Wake up idiots! Who voted these guys in? :)

[I can understand this guy, even if for me "media/entertainment" is no
longer an addiction to a "daily dose" but ended in the position "Spend
$10 for 4 times a year on DVD rental for a
crappy-movie-weekend-marathon" - yes, I'm not quite the soul of party

        Just exactly what are you doing to ensure Australians have the
        infrastructure to access the legal content in the format
        supplied by the owners? The answer Mr Brandis is nothing. What
        are you doing to protect the questionable rights of a collection
        of American conglomerates. That is right bending over backwards.
        Where is the parallel import rules? Why are your guaranteeing
        rights holder can grant rights on a geographical basis in an non
        geographical environment. The problem is not those busy with
        civil disobedience, it is the idiots that are supporting a
        broken right system.

[interesting. Piracy practised as civil disobedience. My cynical
attitude of a grumpy old man doesn't allow me to hope for it, but I'd
like an officially organized campaign for such, I'd be in]

        If my Monthly ISP fees go up ... to pay for what is obviously a
        flaw in the content industries business model, that they don't
        want to pay to fix, and that they expect third parties to fix
        for them - then I will consider this yet another 'great new tax'
        from the Australian government, and further proof that the
        government doesn't represent my interests, it only represents
        the interests of big corporate sponsors.
[be pirate or not, this guy does have a point. Pretty much as any DRM,
the "policing by ISP" required by a 3strikes-law will punish the
innocents more than the guilty]


> Surprised to see Choice getting involved.
> -------- Original (cruft removed) Message --------
> Yesterday, reports that the federal government is looking at so-called
> graduated response policies were confirmed. These policies will make
> the internet slower and more expensive, and there's no evidence that
> they will have any impact on the problem they are trying to address,
> internet piracy.
> Rather than increasing access to content, the government wants to
> penalise all consumers in order to protect the profits of American
> copyright holders.
> http://click.email.choice.com.au/?qs=b85453dd728ea6866654e252fc8c17cfd2435243841c7adb91ce369284141091
> Help CHOICE fund an ad to run in the national media that tells the
> government not to force costly policies onto consumers and ISPs
> without addressing the root causes of internet piracy.
> http://click.email.choice.com.au/?qs=b85453dd728ea6866654e252fc8c17cfd2435243841c7adb91ce369284141091
> Donate now!
> The government has never asked
> consumers what they think of these laws. It's time we tell them.
> So much is being considered in secret. Here's what we know:
>         - The Attorney-General's Department has confirmed that it is
> considering establishing a graduated response scheme as one possible
> anti-piracy policy in Australia.
>         - These policies will make internet access more expensive for
> all users - not just people illegally downloading content.
>         - These policies will make the internet slower for everyone because
> your ISP (internet service provider) has to enforce clunky regulations.
>         - These policies won't stop piracy. The most effective measure
> to stop piracy is giving consumers timely and affordable access to the content
> they want.By
> http://click.email.choice.com.au/?qs=b85453dd728ea6866654e252fc8c17cfd2435243841c7adb91ce369284141091
> donating just $10 , you will
> help us place an ad in the national media to tell the government that this is 
> a
> #piracyfail.
> Best wishes,
> Angela Cartwright
> Campaigns Manager
> P.S For more information
> http://click.email.choice.com.au/?qs=b85453dd728ea686b0c67ccbba7dbe9389dc3f6064902ac574b3a1c9a2ed2c55
> check out the CHOICE website .
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