you get a pointer to the PlaylistManager in the FAContext that is passed to your
UI when it is instantiated. Use this pointer to add items and access all other
playlist functionality. you should also listen for the Playlist Events such as
AddItem, UpdateItem, and MoveItem if you are implementing your own playlist


Valters Vingolds wrote:

> Robert...
> I was toying with UI other day, wanted to implement drag'n'drop functionality.
> I quickly cut'n'pasted code from freeampUI to Theme's Win32Window.h/cpp, so
> the window started to accept WM_DROPFILES.
> But then I even quicker got frustrated to death, could not figure out how
> to get the filenames to PLM. Spent time looking at class hierarchy and
> could not see a way (well, I'm not speaking inherited virtual functions and
> other wacky C++ encapsulation/data hiding stuff very fluently). Can you
> think of something?
> Else, I think theme.ui is too damn complex. I think I'll want to draw a
> hierarchy diagram.
> --
> Valters "WaTT" Vingolds

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