I'll end up doing a doc on how to construct a theme, with samples. This won't be

until I finish the final UI (plural? wait and see...)

Meanwhile what's the deadline on this?


Mayhem & Chaos Coordinator wrote:

> > I just recently firehosed my stupid sparc box at work and replaced it w/
> > a linux box and I wanted to see this new theme.ui. All I can say is wow.
> > I did a checkout two days ago and I've been really impressed... Looks so
> > cool.
> I'm glad you like it -- we're still ironing out some kinks in the themes.
> Also, the theme that is in there right now is a place holder -- our artist
> is working on the 'real' default theme for freeamp. That should look
> nice....
> > Are there any docs abt "how to make a theme"? I like the choice of xml.
> > but I tried to read one of the .fat files after uncompressing it. What's
> > the data before the .xml?
> Data before XML? How did you uncompress the theme? Did you use MakeTheme -d?
> I don't think there is a makefile for unix yet for that program. In order to
> compile it you need ui/theme/src/ThemeZip.cpp MakeTheme.cpp and all the
> sources from lib/zlib/src.
> There are currently no docs on how to make one. I will not be able to get
> around to writing a FreeAmp Theme HOWTO until after we go into beta -- sorry
> I lack the time. However, Valters figured out how to use the themes without
> *ever* asking me question. So, its possible to learn from the themes that
> are currently in CVS. Take a look at the file and start changing some things
> and see what happens. :-) Sorry, that's the best I can offer for the time
> being.
> Hey Valters, would you be interested in writing a HOWTO for freeamp themes?
> You seem to have a good grip on the subject. :-)
> --ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing
> Robert Kaye -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert

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