On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 12:50:07PM -0800, Mayhem & Chaos Coordinator wrote:
> FYI: You don't need to reboot -- if Ctrl-Alt-Backspace doesn't kill the X,
> then simply su to root and kill the X process. That should get you back to a
> login.

su to root from where? My machine is compeltely unresponsive locally
when in this state.

If I telnet in, su to root, and do a 'ps aux', X does not show up, nor
do any of the processes I was running in X at the time. It is very

> Is this still happening with the 2.0 release? I know that Elrod
> cleaned up a crash in the options dialog, and I hope that fixed it.

It was happening in the cvs source from a few days ago. I updated last
night and built, and was playing with it for a while and it did not
hang. I will play some more tonight.



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