Erno Szabados wrote:
> > The new gui desing looks nice, but the middle draw, the ships one, I
> > prefer to be replaced with the 3D model ingame, but that is not going to
> > be able until the new GUI system cames to Ogre3D..

Yes, the new GUI design seems really good and a lot more non-cluttered than
before. Well done, some quick comments:

- In later version we won't just count days, so the upper right should better
display a date
- Maybe the red background of the central GUI, left and right GUI element
could be replaced by some wood-like material?

The reflection of the masts in the water is really cool, well done.

I also like the navigation, beside the navigation bar in the right we could
add clickable imagemap regions in the main menu frame.

> Are you saying that the GUI will become 3D?

Not necessarily, but it's an option where it's appropriate. The current
menu system is self-written in SDL and I wouldn't want to invest more
time into extending it. The next Ogre release will ship Crazie Eddie's
GUI system, which - besides it's silly name - seems pretty good and
should allow easier and more comfortable GUIs. As the gameplay itself
is already separated from the menu system we could switch without too
much work and wouldn't even need SDL anymore.

These GUIs would be 2D, but e.g. in the shipyard the 3D model of the
ship to buy could rotate around it's Y axis to give the player a better
impression of it.

> > But the icons and in general the style of the graphics is really good :)
> Thanks for your compliment :)
> The image I put in the middle is just a work-in-progress, little more than a 
> placeholder. I would also welcome a more living 3D scene of the harbour (and 
> other scenes) if someone could do that. (ships floating, birds flying, etc.), 
> I also considered to realize that using 2D graphics (Inkscape SVG), but I 
> guess it's B priority .
> I will design and submit screen layouts for the rest of the screens as soon 
> as 
> I'll have the time. 

I really like the harbour prototype, and wouldn't oppose raytraced background
images either, but I'm having neither the capabilities to create either of [1]
them, so I don't have a fixed opinion here.
Consistency seems most important here, I wouldn't like a mixture of "painted" 2D
and raytraced 3D, but maybe it's possible to have consistent 2D menus and 
3D backgrounds that can replace the 2D ones, once they are all in place? 
good raytraced background seems like a really huge task, while 2D pictures 
be doable a lot faster?

[1] That's the reason why I collected some public domain photos in the first
place, after all.

> Also, I am working on some 2D illustrations now - for which the old graphics 
> inspired me. Once they are done I will post them to the CVS. I think we can 
> find some place in the game for them (Title and ingame screens, etc.)

Good, but please don't put development stuff like prototypes into CVS, we
shouldn't clutter it with binaries more than necessary. Please copy it to
some private webspace or upload to the download or website section and
send a link to the mailing list. I just added you to the list list of project
members, you should get full access with the next sync of member data on Gna.


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