>>>>> "Gary" == Gary Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Gary> There are two `standards' from SMTP Auth out there ... one
    Gary> by Netscape (which is that rfc), and one by M$.  To date,
    Gary> only Netscape 4.5 and higher (I believe), and products from
    Gary> Software.com (i.e. InterMail) support the netscape version
    Gary> (although I haven't looked in a few months, so I could be
    Gary> wrong).

There is one SMTP AUTH, and it's defined in RFC 2554.

Products I'm aware of that support SMTP AUTH (or will shortly) 
as defined in the RFC:

Servers: PMDF (Innosoft), MDstore (Messaging Direct), Sendmail 8.10,

Clients: Execmail, Mulberry. I'm sure there are others.

The major use for SMTP AUTH will be in SUBMIT servers. The combination
of SUBMIT + SMTP AUTH will make it possible to disable relay on SMTP
servers without restricting mobile mail clients.


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