On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 12:02:54PM -0800, Mike Smith wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 09:05:38AM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> > > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Mike Smith writes:
> > > : The only "right" solution is for us to mandate that people down cards 
> > > : before ejecting them.
> ...
> > I would like to see that something along the lines of a method to shut
> > down the card in preparation for removal,
> That's what I said above.

The part after the comma was the point of the sentence.  That the
method to deactivate the card not be specific to the type of card in
use, but rather to have a generic mechanism.  That's quite possibly
exactly what you said, in which case I'm just agreeing with you. :-)

> > In other words, whereas right now I would have to
> > "ifconfig down" if it's an ethernet card, "pppctl close" if it's a
> > serial card, and unmount the filesystem if it's a flash card,
> None of those actions would be adequate.

I meant to illustrate what I felt would be the wrong approach.  I
think I didn't get my point across, so I will rephrase it.  Rather
than ending up with a system where you can take the card out if it's
"not in use" (where the definition of "not in use" is different for
each device), I think it is important that instead the user can say
"I want to take the card out of slot X, so make it possible for me
to do so or tell me why I can't."

> > There are other contexts for the same issues anyway.  USB has devices
> > that go away suddenly, and it _is_ designed to be hot-removable, so
> > people are going to be pulling the plug on network adapters, ZIP
> > drives, etc.  We need drivers that are capable of going away cleanly,
> > or at least without a panic.
> You can't do this with pccard, full stop.  It's not a code problem, it's 
> a design problem fundamental to pccards.

I know that.  The point was that lots of new busses ARE designed for
hot plugging and unplugging, so it's not just pccard that needs to
deal with it.  Once the underlying mechanism is established for a
driver to safely and cleanly go away, pccard just becomes a matter of
telling the driver to go away before touching the eject button.
Christopher Masto         Senior Network Monkey      NetMonger Communications
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