On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 02:03:29AM +0100, Karsten W. Rohrbach wrote:
> detection and removal (real goodd error correction) and this ones also
> really fast (10x speed) when youre reading on a plextor drive (such as
> my pxw4220t) or something else that has a native mode for extracting 
> audio.

One of the main reasons for springing the extra $$$ for a Plextor
is that they (unlike most other CDDA implementations) actually got
the firmware right: the beast does jitter correction in firmware,
/and/ reads at near-data speeds whilst it does it.

Many CD drives with buggy implementations jitter like crazy, and/or
won't deliver CDDA much quicker than 1x, regardless of what the
rated data speed is.


is a good resource for software links and reviews of various models
of CD-ROM drives, if CD-DA ripping is of interest. Most good CDR
drives also do a good job of CD-DA ripping (Philips CDD-2000,
Toshiba CW-7502, from my direct experience), but you probably don't
want to wear 'em out doing CD-DA - at least, I know I don't ;-).

Personally, I found that tosha worked perfectly even on a Plextor
6x (the only Plextor with flawed firmware, this is pretty well-known).

Something like cdparanoia would probably be good for those cheap
IDE CD-ROMs (I bought a couple of 16x Hitachi drives cheap - they
don't do CD-DA very well at all).



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