On Sun, 24 Jan 1999, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

> I really don't understand the problems that everyone is having,
> myself.  I've been running netscape (communicator 4.5) in -current for
> ages now and just switched to 4.0 without any problems.  My netscape
> still continues to function just fine and has never crashed any of
> my system so much as once.
> Why the wide disparity in experience, I wonder?

One variable may be available memory.  On my system, with default datasize
limit of 16M from login.conf, Netscape coredumps very frequently.  With
datasize unlimited, Netscape eats all the available swap (this system is
64M real 128M swap) and kills the system that way.  I currently run
Netscape with datasize set to 64M, pending a new disc for more swap!  In
this configuration, Netscape either coredumps or starts behavhing oddly
about once every 3 days, but at least I can just restart it rather than
needing to reboot after a swap outage.

Colour depth also has an effect - changing from 8-bit to 32-bit on the X
server seems to have made this worse (as you might expect).

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