On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Reginald S. Perry wrote:

> I have been having these X lockups with the linux netscape 4.5
> running. I may have exacerbated it when I installed the linux
> realplayer and macromedia flash plugins. 
> I would like to have a methodology to help debug this, but I have just 
> this one system to use as the debug system. I do also have a vt220
> which I could set up if that would help.
> The key here is that for me it locks the system up completely. I
> cannot telnet in remotely and the ctrl-alt-esc key sequence does not
> work so its unclear to me how to debug this. Tell me what I would need 
> to help debug it, and I will try to be of some help. Ill attach my
> dmesg output.
> -Reggie

options     DDB
options     BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER   #a BREAK on a comconsole goes to
options     INVARIANTS
device      sio0    at isa? port "IO_COM1" tty irq 4 vector siointr
device      sio1    at isa? port "IO_COM2" flags 0x30 tty irq 3 vector siointr
my 'sio2' is setup with special flags to make it always be the consol.
look in lint for more hints.

when the machine locks:
send a break:
if on vt220:     F5
using tip/cu:    ~%

take a look at 'ps' and copy it down to see what's up.

you may also want to enable crash dumps, look in rc.conf and set
your 'dumpdevice' to your swap partition.  then you can type 'panic'
and get a core image of the system to look at.

on the next reboot you can 'kdb' the kernel and then type 'bt' to
get a backtrace.

i have a vt320 for vanity purposes :), but i suggest you use a
serial line into an xterm on another box if you can, ddb isn't the
nicest interface and being able to cut and paste in and out of ddb
in an xterm is nice.


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