Before the developers summit at BSDCan a small group of developers and 
industry partners held a summit on toolchain issues.  The agenda along 
with a number of slide sets appears on the wiki at:

The primary focus of the summit was our increasingly obsolete toolchain
and how to move forward in light of the fact that GPLv3 is unacceptable
to a significant portion of the FreeBSD community.  

Summaries of the sessions can be found at:

This includes a rough draft of a roadmap.  We need to convert this into
a roadmap page with each required feature listed along with status and 

I encourage people to comment on the proposed roadmap and contribute to
insuring the consensus matches the communities' needs as much as
possible.  With out question this endeavor is going to take effort on our
part and involves some risk but if everyone works on it I think we can
get through without too much pain.

-- Brooks

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