On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 11:10:59PM -0500, Kevin Day wrote:
> > :We recently upgraded a server from 2.2.8 to 4.0(the same behavior is shown
> > :on 5.0-current, too). Before, with the exact same load, we'd see load
> > :averages from between 0.20 and 0.30. Now, we're getting:
> > :
> > :load averages:  4.16,  4.23,  4.66
> > :
> > :Top shows the same CPU percentages, just a much higher load average for the
> > :same work being done. Did the load average calculation change, or something
> > :with the scheduler differ? Customers are complaining that the load average
> > :is too high, which is kinda silly, since 4.0 seems noticably faster in some
> > :cases.
> > :
> > :Any ideas?
> > :
> > :Kevin
> > 
> >     I believe the load average was changed quite a while ago to reflect not
> >     only runnable processes but also processes stuck in disk-wait.  It's
> >     a more accurate measure of load.
> Ahh, and since nearly everything is done on this system via NFS, I can
> imagine that several things are waiting for NFS responses. 
> It's probably more accurate, but from a PR standpoint it makes it "look"
> like FreeBSD is choking under the load, when it really isn't. Or am I the
> only one that even cares about this? :)

What does the man page for 'w' say about it? At least the change should be
reflected there I guess.

Wilko Bulte                     Arnhem, The Netherlands   
http://www.tcja.nl              The FreeBSD Project: http://www.freebsd.org

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