Hi Anthony,

On Fri, 28 Mar 2014, Marciano, Anthony wrote:

MA>I've been tasked to get bsnmpd V3 working for my company. The post 
MA>referenced in the subject above gave me some insights but I'm still 
MA>stuck and was wondering if you would take the time to answer some 
MA>questions. I'm a snmpV3 newbie and have never worked with bsnmpd. I 
MA>have worked minimally with net-snmp V2.
MA>First, is there a document listing all of the configuration options in 
MA>the snmpd.confg file? It appears to differ from other packages such as 

I can answer only this question - I'm not very familiar with SNMPv3, but 
Shteryana should be able to help.

No, there is no document with all the setting. The reason is simple: the 
config file is just a set of SNMP SET PDUs executed at startup, SIGHUP or 
module load. The file is segmented into sections by %name lines with all 
segments having the same name beeing put together. At the begin of the 
file there is an implicit %snmpd line.

Each section is a SET PDU. The %snmpd PDU is executed on startup and 
SIGHUP, all other sections are executed when the corresponding module is 
beeing loaded or on SIGHUP if that module is already loaded when the 
SIGHUP occures.

So any writeable or creatable MIB variable can be put into the 
configuration file.

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