On Sep 8, 2014, at 7:21 AM, Anders Bolt Evensen <andersb...@icloud.com> wrote:

> On 05.09.14 19:37, John Nielsen wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Glen Barber <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 05, 2014 at 11:20:21AM -0600, John Nielsen wrote:
>>>> I have a "MacBook Pro Retina, Mid 2012" (MacBookPro10,1) on which I'd like 
>>>> to be able to boot FreeBSD from an external USB drive. For testing I've 
>>>> been using the mini-memstick images from the -CURRENT snapshots, most 
>>>> recently the one from 20140903.
>>>> I am able to select "EFI Boot" on the USB device from the Mac's boot menu, 
>>>> and it does _something_, but the screen never changes--the image of the 
>>>> boot menu is displayed indefinitely. I think it is actually booting since 
>>>> there is drive activity and the caps lock key indicator starts working a 
>>>> few seconds in, but the screen just stays the same. Thinking the 
>>>> resolution of the Retina display may have been an issue, I tried booting 
>>>> with it disabled (lid closed) and an external monitor and keyboard. The 
>>>> result was the same--Mac boot menu frozen on the external display.
>>>> Is there anything I should try to troubleshoot or debug this issue? 
>>>> Anything else I should include in a PR? I can test patches if needed 
>>>> (probably after building an image including the patch from a VM).
>>> To be clear, which boot menu do you see?  If you see the FreeBSD loader
>>> menu, escape to the loader prompt and try:
>>>    set kern.vty=vt
>>>    set hw.vga.textmode=1
>>>    boot
>>> I am a bit unclear under which conditions 'hw.vga.textmode=1' is
>>> required, though.
>> No, I don't ever see the FreeBSD loader. I see the menu you get on a Mac 
>> when you hold down the option (alt) key while booting--big disk icons 
>> representing the bootable disks/partitions in the system. In my case it was 
>> the "Macintosh HD" volume (Mac OS Mavericks), my Windows partition, and the 
>> USB stick with the FreeBSD memstick image on it, which the Mac just called 
>> "EFI Boot" (and the icon was that of a USB disk). There is also a little 
>> section at the bottom that allows wifi network booting (if you've done all 
>> the black magic (not PXE) to get that to happen). It shows a circular 
>> activity animation while it scans for wireless networks. That animation 
>> stops when I select the USB EFI icon and press enter (and that is the only 
>> visual indication I get that I made a selection).
> To see the FreeBSD (U)EFI boot loader on the Mac, you need to install an EFI 
> shell like rEFIt on either your hard drive or a HFS formatted memory stick:
> 1) Download the rEFIt installer from here: 
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/refit/rEFIt/0.14/rEFIt-0.14.dmg?r=http%3A%2F%2Frefit.sourceforge.net%2F&ts=1410181876&use_mirror=optimate
> 2) Open the downloaded file
> 3) Run the following command from the terminal: sudo installer -pkg 
> /Volumes/rEFIt/rEFIt.mpkg -tgt /Volumes/memstick (in this example, I'm using 
> an HFS formatted memory stick).
> 4) Run the command "sudo /Volumes/memstick/efi/enable.sh"
> 5) When you reboot your Mac, when you hold down the alt key, choose rEFIt on 
> the startup menu. Then, choose the "BOOTx64.efi from …" option
> If everything now goes as it should, you should see the FreeBSD loader. When 
> the "Press enter to boot or any other key to go to loader in X seconds" (or 
> whatever it says), press a random key. Then try to type the commands 
> suggested by [Glen Barber].

Thanks all, made _some_ progress.

I installed rEFInd on my internal hard drive and now I can get to (and see!) 
the FreeBSD EFI loader. Unfortunately that's about as far as it gets. Once I 
tell the loader to boot it displays the EFI framebuffer information and then 
nothing else. This happens with 'kern.vty=vt' set and with or without 

Screenshot here: https://blog.jnielsen.net/images/efiloader.jpg

What should the next troubleshooting steps be?


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