On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 2:21 AM, Ronald Klop <ronald-li...@klop.ws> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 10:11:35 +0100, Ronald Klop <ronald-li...@klop.ws>
> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 08:18:40 +0100, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de>
>> wrote:
>> El día Sunday, December 13, 2015 a las 10:40:22PM -0800, Russell Haley
>>> escribió:
>>> Hi There,
>>>> I am trying to bring up an Arm image off the FreeBSD website for my
>>>> hummingboard. The problem seems to be when I run pkg the system installs
>>>> the latest version - 1.6.2, and then fails with:
>>>> Shared object "libssl.so.8" not found, required by "pkg"
>>>> I've seen this in NextBSD, and DesktopBSD and even on my previous arm
>>>> image
>>>> but I was able to get around the problem by creating links from
>>>> libssl.so.7
>>>> to libssl.so.8.
>>> I have had the same issue on r285885 with ports as well from July this
>>> year and pkg 1.5.5 ... I accidently updated pkg to 1.6.x which could not
>>> find libssl.so.8; I forced back to 1.5.5 with an older pkg-static and
>>> now pkg
>>> complains about it database, but still works:
>>> $ pkg info pkg
>>> pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31,
>>> but still compatible
>>> pkg-1.5.5
>>> I don't know why pkg 1.6.2 was produced with this recent libssl.so.8; it
>>> should have been done more conservative, IMHO
>>>         matthias
>> I had the same problem on my amd64 laptop. Your FreeBSD version is too
>> old. Upgrading the FreeBSD base will give you the new libssl version. After
>> that you can upgrade your packages.
>> What version of FreeBSD is running on this hummingboard? I guess
>> 11-CURRENT. Probably ssl was upgraded in FreeBSD and the new packages are
>> build on this newer version. In 10-STABLE this is kept backwards
>> compatible, but in 11-CURRENT you have to keep up yourself.
>> Regards,
>> Ronald.
> It has to do with this message in /usr/src/UPDATING:
> https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/UPDATING?r1=290206&r2=290207&pathrev=292177&;

As a temporary measure, for bootstrapping or installing packages, you can
use libmap.conf to map libssl.so.7 to libssl.so.8. There's a second library
you'll find you need to map too. This will get you over the hump. However,
once you do upgrade, you'll need to remove the lines because slogin and such
have a check for the right version of openssl, and will give an error
message if
you try to use them cross-threaded.

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