On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 11:54:29PM +0000, Glen Barber wrote:

> For those who have missed the initial email surrounding this topic, we
> are planning on packaging the base system with pkg(8) for 11.0-RELEASE.
> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-pkgbase/2016-January/000000.html
> At this time, I believe the major blockers and critical issues have been
> resolved where it is time for an official call-for-testing.
> Please note, as with any development branch, this is not yet intended
> for production environments.  Testing on virtual machines or dedicated
> testing machines is strongly encouraged.
> Also note (as repeated below), running 'pkg delete -a' will implicitly
> remove base system packages after they are installed.
> To obtain the sources for testing, please use the projects/release-pkg
> branch:
>  # svn co svn://svn.freebsd.org/base/projects/release-pkg /usr/src
> The projects/release-pkg branch is (at this time) in sync with head
> revision r296327.
> After checking out the project branch, build the userland and kernel as
> normal with the 'buildworld' and 'buildkernel' targets.  Afterward,
> packages can be created with the 'packages' target.
>  # cd /usr/src
>  # make [make flags] buildworld
>  # make [make flags] buildkernel
>  # make packages
> At present, the base system consists of 755 packages with the default

755! :((((
What purpose of this?
At time of split Xorg to multiple packages talk about individual
update single package and don't touching rest. In reality we have
un-obvious garbage fully rebuild on every update.

Also, list of packagess too long and badly mantained on rescue
console (for see and for control).

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