On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, John Baldwin wrote:

> No, that's wrong, too.  A normal disk has a proper slice table (slices start
> on cylinder boundaries and do not contain the MBR, thus leaving the first
> cylinder unused).  A truly dedicated disk (disklabel auto <foo>) uses a
> ...
> at all to the drive's geometry.  As with truly dedicated mode, the MBR is
> actually contained in boot1, but in dangerously dedicated mode we use the
> slice table hard-coded into the boot code.  This slice table has 1 slice
> which is 50000 blocks long, or 25000k.  The rest of the disk is marked as
> unused even though it is, in fact, used.  The fact that it works at all is
> due to brokenness on our part (we don't check that partitions in a disklabel
> fit in the parent slice) and also results in several hacks in various portions
> of the code where we have to check for such bogusness and work around it.

No, that's wrong too :-) .  We a lot of checking that partitions in a
disklabel fit in the parent slice.  We clip partitions that don't fit in
various ways for backwards compatibility.


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