On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 01:58:46PM +0200, Soren Schmidt wrote:

>   Support for master/slave combinations, and ATA/ATAPI ditto is being
>   worked on, but this requires a controller with support for the
>   "auto nop" functionality. Which of the many different controllers
>   supports this is unknown at this time, but HPT controllers has
>   the needed functionality, and should be a safe bet.
>   It seems that the DJNA series of IBM disks has some problems
>   with tagged queueing, but at least the DPTA and DTLA series
>   are known to work. The older DTTA series has not been tested
>   yet.

So does anyone know of any other combo that might work well?  I've had
nothing but trouble with my HighPoint 366 based board (have I mentioned I
think Siig makes awful products?) in two different motherbords and with
any OS I've tried it with (hell Win98 thought it was a SCSI adapter...).  
I've got a somewhat older 13gb WD Caviar (claims to support ATA66) and a
30gp Deskstar DTLA.  I'm tempted to try out a Promise ATA 100 board...

- alex

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