This sounds like a necessary consequence of the "PCI crapshoot."  

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Mike Meyer wrote:

> Mike Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> types:
> > > After installing a fresh cvsup last Sunday, I find that my usb printer
> > > quit working. Some investigation shows that this is because the uhci
> > > and fxp are now on the same IRQ.
> > Why would this cause your printer to stop working?  Have you determined 
> > that this is actually the case, or did you only just notice that they're 
> > on the same IRQ?
> I don't know why it would cause the printer to stop working. I didn't
> just notice that the IRQs were the same - I checked for it
> specifically.  What I noticed was that the printer wasn't working, and
> lpq showed it as possibly offline. When I first installed the USB
> printer, I had the exact same problem - until I changed changed the
> hardware config so that the fxp and uhci weren't using the same
> IRQ. That's why I checked for this case.
> > > Anyone got a clue as to why the IRQ would change? Is there anything in
> > > FreeBSD that could change it?
> > Has it actually changed?
> I'm still trying to figure that one out. I haven't been able to get a
> config with the fxp and uhci on different IRQs. I've got a doctor's
> appointment, after which I'm going to pull the fxp and see how that
> goes.
>       Thanx,
>       <mike
> --
> Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          
> Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.
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