> On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 01:39:58PM -0800, Matthew Jacob wrote:
> > > Erm, just so you know.  The 4100 here at WC doesn't even make it past
> > > the SCSI probe due to interrupt issues.
> >
> > Hmm. Well, it *was* working a couple of days ago :-)....
> Uh, actually _your_ 4100 is the only I've ever known to work on
> post-SMPng.  The WC 4100 has *never* worked on post SMPng.  I don't
> believe I've heard that DFR's runs SMPng either.

That's strange. After each time I've gotten this working again (and it now
works on the 4100 here *AND* the ones at NASA/Ames) I've sent mail saying "Try
yours again" to you! I thougt you *were* working again.

> I guess I should get a `dd' of your system disk, or get you a console on
> the WC box.

Well, since I have *two* working systems- one of which is a four hose
configuration, I don't know quite what to say... :-).... I should just bring
one of my disks by..... urrmm.. Actually, one system has a DDS tape drive so
I'll dd you a root disk image- it'll be da2 so you'll have to shove disks
ahead of it or DTRT.


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