Alexander et al,

# > Still ok. I have rtprio 25 (as from the isdnd.rc.sample, should I tune this?
# > Remove the line?) in my isdnd.rc and this at the end of /etc/rc.isdn:
# I think Hellmuth choosed a good value for rtprio, and I didn't think it
# solves your problem if you increase the value, but feel free to play a

*De*creasing gives it higher priority, according to rtprio(1).

# little bit with it (I think isdnd slowes down because of a lot of
# interrupts, and if I didn't have a wrong understanding of the system,
# rtprio didn't helps in this case).
# > echo 'removing previous isp0 config'
# > ifconfig isp0 delete -link1 down
# > echo 'setting sppp options'
# > ispppcontrol isp0 myauthproto=pap myauthname=xxxxxxxx myauthsecret=xxxxxxxx 
hisauthproto=none callin
# > echo 'configuring isp0'
# > ifconfig isp0 netmask 0xffffffff link1 2>/dev/null
# What's your defaultroute? I use "-interface isp1". (modified for the purpose of this mail :-)

# BTW: I use /etc/start_if.isp1 to configure the interface, no need to
# modify rc.isdn, e.g.:
# ---snip---
# (11) root@ttyp0 # less /etc/start_if.isp1 
# ifconfig isp1 link1 netmask
# ispppcontrol isp1 $(cat /etc/isdn/connect-CBC.parameters) enable-vj
# ifconfig isp1 down
# ---snip---.
Ah, so that's how it's done properly.

# While we're at it, maybe someone wants to commit something like this:
# ---snip---
# --- /usr/src/etc/rc.isdn        Sat Apr 28 14:49:22 2001
# +++ /etc/rc.isdn        Sun Apr 29 15:37:04 2001
# @@ -38,6 +38,23 @@
#  [Yy][Ee][Ss])
#         echo -n 'ISDN subsystem setup:'
# +       # Terminal type for fullscreen mode, default to syscons driver
# +       #
# +       if [ ! -n "${isdn_ttype}" ]; then
# +               isdn_ttype=cons25
# +       fi
# +       if [ -n "${isdn_screenflags}" ]; then
# +               /usr/sbin/vidcontrol < ${isdn_fsdev} > ${isdn_fsdev} 2>&1 
# +       fi
# ---snip---
# (I think the isdn_ttype part isn't needed anymore, someone committed
# something like this already, but the screenflags part is useful for me)

Yup, that was me :-)

Can you provide a patch against -current and also a patch adding
isdn_screenflags to /etc/defaults/rc.conf and rc.conf(5)? It's important
to document all the knobs there. Should be easy.


Jens Schweikhardt
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)

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