On 23-Mar-2002 Jeff Roberson wrote:
>> I saw some similar weirdness in my test machines last night where a dual
>> processor DS20 (Alpha 21264 500x2) beat out a PII Xeon 450x4.  Normally
> the
>> quad xeon beats the DS20.  The quad xeon was using -j16 but was about 74%
>> idle.
>> The DS20 had used -j8.  I didn't get a chacne to run top to see how it was
>> doing during hte world since I didn't notice the weirdness until last
> night
>> after the DS20 had finsihed but the quad xeon was still chugging along.
> Are you both running with WITNESS and INVARIANTS?  UMA is slightly slower
> with these options on than the original malloc & vm_zone code.  I'm not
> sure why it would be even worse for SMP machines though.  So maybe it
> isn't UMA at all but it's worth looking into.



John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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