
There is patch to teach rcNG do not try dhcp on not-connected ethernet.

simply put
into rc.conf

It will be interested to somebody

Theoretically there are another solution for problem - add new key to
dhclient - check interface media before broadcasting.

Vladimir B. Grebenschikov
--- /usr/local/src/etc/rc.d/network1    Mon Jul 29 15:09:46 2002
+++ /etc/rc.d/network1  Mon Aug 12 11:43:03 2002
@@ -157,6 +157,17 @@
                case ${ifconfig_args} in
+               [Dd][Hh][Cc][Pp]-[Ii][Ff]-[Cc][Aa][Rr][Rr][Ii][Ee][Rr])
+                       # Load interface .ko if need
+                       ifconfig $ifn > /dev/null 2>&1
+                       sleep 3 
+                       # Check media option of interface
+                       media=`ifconfig $ifn | awk '($1 == "media:") { ok=1; print $4; 
+} END { if (ok != 1) { print "(none)"; } }' 2> /dev/null`
+                       if [ "$media" != "(none)" ]; then
+                               dhcp_interfaces="$dhcp_interfaces $ifn"
+                               eval showstat_$ifn=1
+                       fi
+                       ;;
                        # DHCP inits are done all in one go below
                        dhcp_interfaces="$dhcp_interfaces $ifn"

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