On Sun, 3 Nov 2002, Miguel Mendez wrote:

> > 2) Security.  Can LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or other mechanisms)
> >     be used to deliberately subvert any of these programs?
> >     (especially the handful of suid/sgid programs here)
> ..
> I can't come up right now with an idea of how exploiting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> could be useful with any of these, but the possibility exists. OTOH, the
> recently added priviledge elevation feature should make it possible to
> have *no* setuid programs on a system, and have the kernel elevate
> priviledges for certain syscalls, based on the policy created by
> systrace. 

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is disabled for setuid binaries -- the kernel sets the
P_ISSETUGID flag, which is exported to userspace by issetugid(), which is
in turn checked by the rtld, which will refuse to observe that
environmental variable (and a number of others) as a result.  We have
plenty of dynamically linked setuid binaires in the system already, and
it's not a problem. 

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Network Associates Laboratories

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