On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 03:48:57PM -0800, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> >>... I think [/rescue] only needs to support those
> >>recovery actions necessary to repair /bin and /sbin if they break.
> >
> >My stance is that no failure mode needs to
> >be repairable that wasn't repairable with a static /.
> I'm willing to compromise, David.
> Here's what I suggest:
>  * I could support removing vi/ex from /rescue.

Either way -- keep it or not.  But lets agree that the FTP client will be
the last thing added to /rescue that is outside the original charter.

>  * In exchange for this concession, would you be willing
>    to support adding fetch?

If we're going to add an FTP client, lets pick the one with the best
functionality for the job -- /usr/bin/ftp.  I may not know the complete
URL to the bits I need, and if so with fetch you're still screwed.

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