On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:41:05PM -0400, dieter...@engineer.com wrote:
>Paul Schenkeveld writes:
>>Although non-contiguous netmasks are not legal anymore in IPv4, our
>>ifconfig still allows to do something like:
>>   # ifconfig em0 inet netmask
>>   # ifconfig em0
>>   em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0
>mtu 1500
>>       ether xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
>>       inet netmask 0xff00ff00 broadcast
>>       media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
>>       status: active
>If this is no longer legal, should ifconfig issue a warning?
>J. Hellenthal writes:
>>This is the year 2011 right ? when are we going to support new users
>>rather than supporting old outdated washed up "scripts" ?
>Change for the sake of change is not progress.  Perhaps when you get
>more experience you will understand the "joy" of spending massive
>amounts of time attempting to deal with gratuitious changes.

Perhaps making blind assumptions and shouting from an advertisement
domain about experience of others might cause some assumptions to be
made, but I won't go there with my thoughts of that.

Bold moves that aid the user deciphering what they see correctly spurs
further community involvement rather than driving them away. Given this
is a small change and one that would only play a small role in a similar
light, there are much greater issues that surround this and all of them
play a part in the final result, not just the "bigger" ones. I know
where to find those.


Thanks for broadening the Service Window with your ``experience''


 J. Hellenthal

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