Il 17/09/2012 22:55, Mike Meyer ha scritto:
> You requested that this work be done. Then you did it again in several 
> places, the first one being here:
> [...]

Maybe I did (as you might notice my English is not very good :) ), but I
thought it was clear that I'd like to cooperate in this.

> Without someone actually *doing the work* of making sure that SunDEW or 
> whatever works well and is perfectly documented, then declaring "Our 
> preferred DE is SunDEW" is pointless. [...]

Yes, there must be some work done of course, it requires some effort..

>> - You want to use FreeBSD official environment?
>> Good, you'll get official utilities for FreeBSD and you are ensured a
>> certain amount of support and stability from your system, since that's
>> the official environment.
> And who's going to write these? Just declaring a standard won't make them 
> magically appear, and won't make developers who prefer something else 
> suddenly start writing for the standard.

It's standard for FreeBSD, so I guess that work should be done by the
documentation team or by some developer. That's why I wanted to discuss
it in the mailing list, because it can't be an isolated effort.
The major benefit would be for FreeBSD to start supporting desktop
environments by providing GUI implementations of their tools, rather
than text only ones, of course third party devs could use whatever they
want (though they could be encouraged by the documentation to use that
one for their FreeBSD projects).

> It's not a bad thing. It's just pointless until there's someone
> willing to do the work to make it happen. Since it's always going to
> be in ports (because it will require X or similar), the previously
> suggested path of working with the PCBSD people (who actually want to
> support a desktop environment) to develop it and then get it
> integrated into ports is a good one. 

Well, the idea was making FreeBSD more friendly over desktop
installations, I was hesitant into using PCBSD for this because I just
like FreeBSD ports system and package management much more, as I like
the fact that it's closer to UNIX (in my opinion). I cannot say I
expected a good "welcoming" of this suggestion, but I thought it was
worth discussing it anyway :)

Thanks for sharing your opinions on this.

Lorenzo Cogotti

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