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Thierry Thomas wrote:
> Le Ven 27 jul 07 à  3:44:32 +0200, Doug Barton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  écrivait :
>> Kurt Abahar wrote:
>>> I have a lot of ports installed and it takes a lot of
>>> time to compile them. Therefore, I'm trying to use
>>> packages as much as possible. After updating the ports
>>> tree using portsnap, portupgrade looks for packages
>>> that don't exist yet. Basically, my goal is to avoid
>>> this and have the ports tree update to a state for
>>> which packages have already been built.
>> Ok, that's what I was afraid you were asking for. No such facility
>> exists, and I don't imagine anyone creating one any time soon because
>> it would be VERY hard to accomplish for a large number of reasons.
> Michel Talon's pkgupgrade attempt to solve this problem: see
> <http://www.lpthe.jussieu.fr/~talon/freebsdports.html#htoc19>.

Would it be feasible to use CVS tags to mark the state of the ports
tree whenever a package is successfully rebuilt by the cluster and
pushed out to the FTP servers?  Something like


(similarly for other architectures) -- applied to each port to mark
a successful pkg build, and generally to everything else
(/usr/ports/Mk/*, etc) at the start of any package building run.
Then cvs, csup and cvsup users at least have a fairly simple way to
check out a ports tree that matches what's available in pkg form on
the FTP servers.



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Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
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