On Jul 11, 2008, at 2:53 PM, Remko Lodder wrote:

So, when can I expect your updated work on the port, build all dependencies to make sure they keep on working etc? I understand that we want to have this as soon as possible, but also do keep in mind that we would like to make sure as much as possible that the code can actually work. I am not aware of the reason

There's no way to do all this testing in a vacuum. Make the port. Publish it. People who want to try it out will and then all the dependent ports (ie, CPAN modules) that may have broken can get fixed by a large group of people who may have more time to volunteer.

Seriously, though... is someone actively working on a perl 5.10 port and can we find out what is holding it up for over 6 months now? Around February I started wondering about it, but it wasn't such a big deal to me then. Now it is becoming more of a big deal because our developers want to start using some of the 5.10 features in our new projects, but without a port/package it complicates our dev and production environment management.
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