
I'm experiencing 3 issues with the Plex Media Server....

My configuration is running FreeBSD 10.0 x64 with the ports tree up to date.

Issue 1: Upon first installing the port everything went fine however, PMS wouldn't start and kept complaining about a Python C Lang issue... Google'ing I managed to find a FreeBSD Forum posting stating to insert this line:

export LD_LIBMAP="/lib/libc.so.7 /usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/libc.so.7"

in the start.sh file located in: /usr/local/share/plexmediaserver

In addition I had to comment out these two lines:

#export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
#export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"

in the start.sh file.

Issue 2: As I'm running PMS in a Jail on a headless server, for some reason the rc script doesn't start properly?? This is quite weird...

Using an SSH tunnel running: service plexmediaserver start or the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver start method, not all services seem to come up properly.

Running ./start.sh sometimes works but not all.

I managed to find the solution in running: service plexmediaserver start from Xterm using a VNC server/client - tightvnc on the FBSD jail while GTK-VNC on my Linux desktop.

Probably linked in with this is that not VNC'ing leaves me unable to login at the web interface. Putting my Plex ID/passwd combo in doesn't do a thing.

The VNC method allows me unconditional access with no login prompts or anything.

I have customized the Preferences.xml file in /usr/local/plexdata to allow local-subnets access in any case so this issue is simply just odd!

Issue 3: For some reason the DLNA server doesn't work properly....

Though it does show up as online using ps:

plex 89291 0.0 0.2 139844 17808 - SJ 10:40PM 0:00.15 /usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/Plex DLNA Server

It doesn't seem to broadcast itself.

I'm running a few uPNP clients on Android which I like to test connectivity with though I have the official Plex app installed too, but none of them see the server?

Running XBMC or the Playstation3 Media Server on my Linux Desktop is fine as the phone sees those without any issue.

Since I have my networks in separate vlans I'm running IGMPProxy on my router to enable cross-network igmp communication. It works fine and the config is totally correct; using tcpdump I can even see traffic being broadcast between both the Android and the Plex server to: (uPNP/DLNA multicast address) but the phone simply doesn't see the server??

I don't know if this is a Plex issue in itself or something that just simply needs patching in the port but for now one really needs to wrestle with the service to get it to work properly.

I wonder if anyone has any ideas to resolve the above?


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