On 03/19/2014 06:59 PM, Mark Felder wrote:
On 2014-03-18 18:36, Kaya Saman wrote:

I'm experiencing 3 issues with the Plex Media Server....

My configuration is running FreeBSD 10.0 x64 with the ports tree up to date.

Issue 1: Upon first installing the port everything went fine however,
PMS wouldn't start and kept complaining about a Python C Lang issue...
Google'ing  I managed to find a FreeBSD Forum posting stating to
insert this line:

export LD_LIBMAP="/lib/libc.so.7 /usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/libc.so.7"

in the start.sh file located in: /usr/local/share/plexmediaserver

In addition I had to comment out these two lines:

#export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
#export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"

in the start.sh file.

On FreeBSD we do not use the start.sh file supplied by Plex. We only use the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver script. I did not strip it out of the port/package install as I did not feel that was necessary, but I will consider doing so to prevent this confusion in the future.

Everything should work just fine using the FreeBSD rc script. I've tested on FreeBSD 9, 10, and CURRENT as well as in jails.

Thanks for the response!

Ok this is strange, as I've just installed to root OS (non-jailed).

# ps aux |grep plex
plex 46502 0.0 0.2 208064 17204 - IsJ 4:06PM 0:07.88 /usr/local/sh plex 46503 0.0 0.1 223992 10188 - SNJ 4:06PM 0:21.70 Plex Plug-in plex 46508 0.0 0.1 139844 5260 - SJ 4:06PM 0:01.15 /usr/local/sh
root  76712   0.0  0.0  18724   1760  3  S+    9:12PM     0:00.00 grep plex

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver start
Starting plexmediaserver.

Again I get "Sign in to Plex Account" when going to URL: http://<ip>:32400/web

the redirect goes here: 32400/web/index.html#!/login

Issue 2: As I'm running PMS in a Jail on a headless server, for some
reason the rc script doesn't start properly?? This is quite weird...

Using an SSH tunnel running: service plexmediaserver start or the
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver start method, not all services
seem to come up properly.

What exactly do you mean "not all services seem to come up properly"? You should see the following two processes at a minimum:

/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Server
/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/Plex DLNA Server

Sorry for not being more specific... the web service sometimes doesn't come up on port 32400.... also I run into <above> login situation on other occasions. If I start the service from VNC: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/plexmediaserver start

then all seems to be fine??

<snip time lapse>

Ok, just copied my previous Preferences.xml content over to new instance and now Plex comes up fine!

DLNA also is working! Thankfully I held off sending this email until now as it seems everything is fine and working :-)

Seems to be the Jail was my issue and perhaps not enough memory ;-) as 8GB with 40TB over ZFS isn't much!!

Probably linked in with this is that not VNC'ing leaves me unable to
login at the web interface. Putting my Plex ID/passwd combo in doesn't
do a thing.

This is a permissions issue caused by not running Plex from the rc script which automatically launches the process as the "plex" user.

Issue 3: For some reason the DLNA server doesn't work properly....

Though it does show up as online using ps:

plex  89291  0.0  0.2 139844 17808  -  SJ   10:40PM 0:00.15
/usr/local/share/plexmediaserver/Plex DLNA Server

It doesn't seem to broadcast itself.

If you're running in a jail you're correct, this will not work. DLNA uses multicast and multicast does not work in FreeBSD jails.

Aha hence my switch to root OS per above!

Let's start fresh here; remove the port, delete any contents in /usr/local/plexdata, and reinstall the port.

Add plexmediaserver_enable="YES" to /etc/rc.conf and start the service. It should start up flawlessly as I've handled all these quirks in the rc script (except the multicast in a jail issue; I cannot fix that).

...again see <above>

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