On 19/4/17 12:13 am, Freddie Cash wrote:
On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 7:57 AM, krad <kra...@gmail.com> wrote:

quarterly does seem very cautious, maybe a monthly might be a good
alternative. I can understand people being hesitant about latest though. I
guess these are not the people who ask though. Maybe the real answer though
is to have a specific repo for that port for the bleeding edge people  much
like launchpad on ubuntu. It might get complicated though for big
dependency trees though.

​latest/ is good for desktop users who only care about running the very
latest versions of everything.

quarterly/ is good for server users who want to make sure that installing a
new piece of software won't require an upgrade of all the currently
installed software (repo hasn't changed since the last install).  And for
desktop users who prefer to use their computers for doing work instead of
spending all their time chasing after the "latest" flashy bling bling.  :)

quarterly/ also gets security fixes back-ported into it (on a
per-maintainer basis so it's not 100% coverage yet), so you can stay secure
without chasing new software versions.

IOW, don't change the infrastructure, it's working nicely.  Just educate
the users.  :D

quarterly however is broken because the pkg mirors discard it all at the time 
of update.
meaning you can not come back later to get one you forgot..
and sometimes you can get half way through, and everything breaks becuase you 
happened to select  teh wrong date to do your work.

On 18 April 2017 at 14:54, qjail1 <qja...@a1poweruser.com> wrote:

I maintain a port and I have users complaining that the pkg system takes
many months before the updated version of my port shows up in the pkg

My response is I tell them to change a line in their
from url: "pkg+http://pkg.Freebsd.org/${ABI}/quarterly";,
to   url: "pkg+http://pkg.Freebsd.org/${ABI}/latest";,

The old pkg system never had this quarterly update cycle and I see no
reason to have it now when its so easy to over ride the default.

Why not just change the default to "latest" and save on all the overhead
of the quarterly cycle?
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