On 4/26/06, Ben Paley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 April 2006 17:19, Dominique Goncalves wrote:
> > What version of apache are you using?
> apache-2.0.55_4
> > I've already see corruption file when I was tried to share xml podcast
> > between my FreeBSD 6.1 and Sony PSP, with Apache 2.2.0
> >
> > $ ls -l test.xml
> > -r--r--r--  1 dom  dom  5725 Mar 11 17:47 test.xml
> >
> > before download
> > $ md5 test.xml
> > MD5 (test.xml) = 25ed4336e8906e64bd05ebea990d29a0
> >
> > after download
> > $ md5 test.xml
> > MD5 (test.xml) = ef0918bc4f7aa323eb6c41768092488e
> >
> > And after each access the MD5sum change ...
> This sounds exactly like what is happening to me. Does it happen to every
> file, or just a few? Or just one?

Just podcast xml file for the moment.
> If the problem is Apache, though, it doesn't explain the other problems I've
> been having, like the corrupted ftp uploads. Perhaps they are unrelated? Or
> perhaps Apache is not the problem?
> Or maybe I've been cursed for having an operating system of which the logo is
> a devil ;-)
> > Try to ask directly on the freebsd-apache mailing list.
> OK, I'll try that too, thanks for the tip.
> Cheers,
> Ben

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