Happy new year FSBD users!!

I am trying to use gramofile to get some records made into CD's, but I can not get gramofile to see any input. I can use the mixer and get the line in signal out of my PC speakers, so I know that I have signal to my sound card, but gramofile only makes a file with no music. If there is anyone who is using gramofile, please tell me how you configured gramofile or what magic needs to be done to the kernel to make it work. Also I have had problems with gramofile hanging up, it does not respond to any mouse or keyboard input, and I need to do a kill -9 to get out.


Details follow:
uname -a
FreeBSD XXX.XXX.com 4.7-STABLE FreeBSD 4.7-STABLE #1: Tue Dec 24 15:42:46 PST 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/XXX i386

device sbc0 at isa? port 0x220 irq 5 drq 1 flags 0x15
device pcm

sbc1: <Creative SB AWE64> at port 0x220-0x22f,0x330-0x331,0x388-0x38b irq 5 drq 1,5 on isa0
pcm0: <SB16 DSP 4.16> on sbc1

Daniel Malaby voice:(510) 531-6500
Peritek Corp. fax: (510) 530-8563
5550 Redwood Road email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oakland, CA 94619

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