I'm working on a FreeBSD 6.1 machine and setting up MySQL 5.0 with some InnoDB tables.

The machine has 2GB of RAM and will primarily be used as a database machine and will also be serving files over NFS (not high volume).

The issue that I'm having is that when I start up MySQL I get a couple "Out of Memory" errors before it actually starts up. Looks like this-

060719 11:55:35  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 43656
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 950109184 bytes)
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 712581120 bytes)
060719 11:55:35 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.0.22-log'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306

If I reduce or increase the innodb_buffer_pool_size variable for MySQL I can eliminate or increase the number of errors. This set of errors was with innodb_buffer_pool_size set to 600M

This is what top currently shows for MySQL-
PID USERNAME THR PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE C TIME WCPU COMMAND 871 mysql 8 20 0 1196M 159M kserel 0 0:01 0.00% mysqld

I tweaked /boot/loader.conf to allow larger data size for processes already (rebooted after changes)-
kern.maxdsiz="1395864371" # 1.3GB
kern.dfldsiz="1395864371" # 1.3GB
kern.maxssiz="134217728" # 128MB

If there's an out of memory error, how come MySQL starts up? Is this something to be concerned about? What else should I be checking to figure this out?

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