--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 2006-09-04 15:52, backyard
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would recommend the second drive option.
> Me too.  Not for the same reasons though.
> > I have attempted installing Solaris 10 on multiple
> computers and all
> > if ever seems to do is corrupt the drive on me.
> Once I got it to boot
> > up and go into their version of X windows. After
> installing the Bonus
> > pack with KDE and such never turned on again. Very
> frustrating.
> >
> > good luck, I've given up until I have a Sun Box to
> play with.
> I have installed Solaris 10 on *dozens* of systems
> at work.  Very few of
> them were real Sun hardware and there has been
> exactly *one* case where
> something went wrong.  It turns out this case was
> *my* fault.
> The only case when Solaris can be a pain to install
> is when you try it
> out on a system with hardware that is not supported
> by the drivers
> shipped with Solaris.  Even in those cases, some
> times just adding one
> of the supported NICs, or a VGA, or booting from ATA
> disks and using
> SATA disks only for extra storage, can really work
> wonders...
> Solaris 10 is a wonderful system, it works
> flawlessly for various tasks
> that I use it at work (I prefer FreeBSD for my home
> systems), and the
> people who answer questions on comp.unix.solaris are
> knowledgeable,
> (usually) kind, and cool.
> So, please, don't be so hasty in accusing "Solaris"
> for problems you
> have had until now ;-)

don't get me wrong I don't doubt it is a great system
to use, which is why I kept on trying to get it
installed on many different machines; from laptops to
desktops, to servers, and my commodore... and I will
admit I installed without really looking at the
hardware compatability list... That being said
ususally the boot loader will not load Solaris for me.
The funny thing is when I had it on a machine with
windows it would boot windows, just not Solaris.

That or it would appear as thought the kernel became
corrupt and would just lock out at the loader prompt.
The one time I got it running it seemed very complete
and working well, just wish I didn't try to "Bonus
Pack" At any rate I have no luck with the system for
whatever reason, and I've never installed it on
anything but fairly generically configured systems
with mundane basic hardware I would have to assume
would work on a production OS. It just doesn't like
me, so I stick with FreeBSD, and want to look into
some of the other BSD variants.

Even Linux is getting tiresome to me... nothing more
frustrating then having a good TAPE and not being able
to upgrade anything in my Gentoo system since April of
2006 for whatever reason. And really don't understand
why a full system rebuild has a few packages blocking
a complete rebuild. I mean I obviously got them
installed one by one before. That just doesn't make
sense unless my use flags are overly tweaked...

Anyway I ment good luck without sarcasm at all. I just
suggested a second drive because I PERSONALLY have
never had any luck with Solaris, and felt it should be
noted to someone who might otherwise not be as
familiar with its setup and configuration as a person
such as yourself with great luck using the system. I
hope everything does go well because I know its a
great system. Besides if I "NEED" a Tadpole dual Sparc
laptop to run Solaris, then thats a "sacrifice" I will
just have to make... 8^)

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