
I rolled the dice and tried grub.
Moral: grub is good.


I decided to re-install Suse 10.1 so I could interact with the mechanism
which installs Grub.

I found this in /boot/grub/menu.lst

suse:/boot/grub # cat menu.lst
# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sun Sep 17 05:08:44 UTC 2006

color white/blue black/light-gray
default 0
timeout 8

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: linux###
title SUSE Linux 10.1
   root (hd0,5)
   kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6    apm=off acpi=off mce=off
barrier=off ide=nodma idewait=50 i8042.nomux psmouse.proto=bare irqpoll
pci=nommconf resume=/dev/sda5  splash=silent showopts
   initrd /boot/initrd

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows 1###
title windows 1
   chainloader (hd0,0)+1

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: windows 2###
title windows 2
   chainloader (hd0,1)+1

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: failsafe###
title Failsafe -- SUSE Linux 10.1
   root (hd0,5)
   kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda6 showopts ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off
noresume nosmp noapic maxcpus=0 edd=off 3
   initrd /boot/initrd

It looks like Suse thinks the disk is named hd0 rather than hd8.

So, I added this entry:

###Don't change this comment - YaST2 identifier: Original name: FreeBSD
title FreeBSD 5.5
 root (hd0,2,a)
 kernel /boot/loader

This is a direct pattern off of the discussion here:
And the grub file in front of my face.

Then I rebooted and saw a nice Grub menu with FreeBSD 5.5
listed on the bottom.

I picked it.

It sent me to the Beastie boot menu I'm so familiar with.

And I used that to boot my FreeBSD box.

I'm jazzed.

I wish golf were this easy.

Thanks gentlemen.


On 9/16/06, Jeff Rollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 17/09/06, Dan Bikle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> People,
> this is great info; thanks for taking time to type it up.
> I'm now convinced that Grub is good.
> On my FreeBSD box I see this:
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 3 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 3 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 3 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 3 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 3 $ cat /etc/fstab
> # Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump
> Pass#
> /dev/ad8s3b             none            swap    sw              0
> 0
> /dev/ad8s3a             /               ufs     rw              1
> 1
> ##/dev/ad8s4a           /u1             ufs     rw              1
> 1
> /dev/acd0               /dvd1           cd9660  ro,noauto       0
> 0
> /dev/acd1               /dvd2           cd9660  ro,noauto       0
> 0
> linprocfs   /compat/linux/proc   linprocfs   rw   0  0
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $ df
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $ df
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $ df
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 4 $ df
> Filesystem  1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad8s3a  91913630 37443012 47117528    44%    /
> devfs               1        1        0   100%    /dev
> linprocfs           4        4        0   100%    /usr/compat/linux/proc
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 5 $
> bash moibsd maco /usr/home/maco 5 $
> Comparing that with the information in the mail list
> and this page:
> http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary-apr2006.html#21
> suggests to me,
> that this Grub entry would be appropriate:
> title FreeBSD 5.5
>         root (hd8,2,a)
>         kernel /boot/loader

Dang, I always mix up XP and FBSD syntax. Yes, that looks fine. Good luck!


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