James Smallacombe wrote:
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Jerry McAllister wrote:
True, but I think the poster was suggesting that dump/restore is
a better way than using tar.

I'm not as familiar with BSD dump...does it compress well?  Also, what's this?

su-2.05b# dump -0L -f ns1.usr.dump /usr
  DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Tue Oct 24 15:52:01 2006
  DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
  DUMP: Dumping snapshot of /dev/da0s1d (/usr) to ns1.usr.dump
  DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
  DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
  DUMP: estimated 3077070 tape blocks on 79.03 tape(s).
  DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
  DUMP: Closing ns1.usr.dump
  DUMP: Change Volumes: Mount volume #2
  DUMP: Is the new volume mounted and ready to go?: ("yes" or "no") yes
  DUMP: Volume 2 begins with blocks from inode 149561
  DUMP: Closing ns1.usr.dump
  DUMP: Change Volumes: Mount volume #3
  DUMP: Is the new volume mounted and ready to go?: ("yes" or "no")

What volume?  The one I'm dumping?  If so, why does it keep asking whether
it's mounted?  What are all these different volume numbers?  I just want to
dump /usr to one file, compressing and preserving permissions and symlinks as
much as possible, so I can restore it to a new server.

i have never seen the volume messages when i backup.

this is how i do it:

Take a dump
dump -0uanLf - /var | bzip2 | dd of=/some/path/dump-var-level0.bz2
dump -0uanLf - / | bzip2 | dd of=/some/path/dump-root-level0.bz2
dump -0uanLf - /usr | bzip2 | dd of=/some/path/dump-usr-level0.bz2

Restore a dump
To Restore Interactively

    * First bunzip, make sure you have disk space.
    * restore -i -f filename.dump0
* or bzcat filename.dump0.bz2 | restore -i -f - without bunziping first. By the way bzcat filename.dump0.bz2 | ssh computer.bei$ * Navigage using cd, ls, etc. Use the verbose command to make things more verbose.
    * use add to add to list of stuff to extract. Will extract in CWD.
    * use delete to remove from list of stuff to extract.
    * When ready use the extract command to restore.

Should look something like the following:

  restore > extract
  Extract requested files
  You have not read any tapes yet.
  If you are extracting just a few files, start with the last volume
  and work towards the first; restore can quickly skip tapes that
  have no further files to extract. Otherwise, begin with volume 1.
  Specify next volume #: 1
  Mount tape volume 1
  Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes
  otherwise enter tape name (default: filename.dump0)
  extract file ./foobar/public_html/somefile.html
  Add links
  Set directory mode, owner, and times.
  set owner/mode for '.'? [yn] n
  restore > quit

To Restore Entire Disk

    * Plug in fresh drive
    * /stand/sysinstall
    * fdisk, add bootloader, disklabel
    * Mount new drive somewhere, i.e. /mnt-root
    * Mount backups
* cd /mnt-root; bzcat /backups/server/dump-root-level0.bz2 | restore -f -
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