On 11/29/06, Atom Powers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11/29/06, Tom Judge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Atom Powers wrote:
> > On 11/27/06, Ansar Mohammed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hello All,
> >> Is there any ssh over http implementation available for freebsd?
> >
> > That doesn't even make sense. SSH is a transport layer protocol, HTTP
> > is an application layer protocol.
> >
> Both HTTP and SSH are application level transports,  however both can be
> used to tunnel TCP connections.  Therefore it is possible to use ssh
> over http.  The windows putty client can use http proxies to make
> outbound connections as long as your http proxy is configured to allow
> CONNECT requests to port 22.  If you using squid for example with a
> defaultish config you will need to update your proxy server configuration.

SSH is often paired with an application, a shell, but that doesn't
make it an application layer protocol. SSH establishes and manages a
transport layer connection between the client and server, over which
you can tunnel most other transport layer protocols.

You are right to a certain extent, but not enough to
make a good argument. I can't say wikipedia prides
itself on universal correctness, but still consult these
articles to clear any doubts about what layer ssh
may or may not belong to:

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