On Mar 23, 2007, at 9:40 AM, David Banning wrote:
I just spoke with my DSL supplier and they said that they could give
me 5 IP addresses with a DSL line.

I am used to only one IP address per phone line - how are the other
IP addresses from the same DSL line utlilized and routed to different

Connect the DSL modem to a switch or hub, and connect several machines to that, each configured statically to use the /29 subnet which your ISP is making available to you.

This is assuming your DSL modem deals with any PPPoE/PPPoA login stuff itself...if not, you might have to get a broadband router or config a FreeBSD box to do the PPPoE stuff and then route the subnet internally (perhaps using RFC-1918 addresses via natd & the redirect_address directive).


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