Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
On Mar 27, 2007, at 8:34 PM, Josh Carroll wrote:

Stale dependency: p5-Authen-SASL-2.09 -> p5-GSSAPI-0.24 (security/p5-GSSAPI):
p5-Geography-Countries-1.4 (score:26%) ? ([y]es/[n]o/[a]ll) [no]

Well this one is pretty obvious. Look at what the stale dependency is,
and what it's suggesting? :)

To me it is entirely unclear. First of all, I don't know what "stale dependency" is supposed to mean. Second, I don't know what "score" means, and finally, I don't know what the question is that I'm to answer yes, no or all to.

I could attempt, but it's easier to type "See below".

So I've just taken to running with -Fa and hope for the best (and so far everything has worked).

This makes you pretty normal, I expect.

If the answers to these questions are in the man page for pkgdb, I apologize, but I haven't found them there.

Here is a time-honored and rather canonical diatribe on "The Art of Pkgdb -F" (a great thread title, BTW). Note also that it is nearly
six years old, and that additional package-management tools have been
proposed, created, and released to the public, and some may have already
been EOL'ed and buried, but the rest of them aren't considered "standard" by any means, and currently the FreeBSD world is in a pseudo-Biblical
"every man did as he saw fit" state these days[1].

Of course, (and here's a rather large can of worms), there weren't {m?}any
alternatives "back in the day", the the tools that are 'officially' documented
became "standard" more or less by default.  (and, come to think of it, are
they at all, if so, where, etc., etc.)

HTH, `cat flames > /dev/null 2>&1`,

Kevin Kinsey

[1] Since the punishment for these transgressions is basically just
a temporal "make deinstall" under /usr/ports followed by 2-4 days of
rebuilding, (more if KDE/GNOME is installed, but not much as opposed to eternal flame/torment), I suppose it's OK to let everybody fend for themselves with whatever tool they like best. One thing you'll notice about the BSDs is that since they are "traditional" Unix-like systems, a lot of folks stick to "traditions" pretty closely.
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