On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 02:20:55PM -0600, sweetleaf wrote:
> I am looking for an alternative MTA to replace sendmail on my freebsd 
> 4.7-rel box. My question is i have searched google quite extensively and 
> found :
> Qmail
> Courier
> Postfix
> I would like some opinions as to which of the 3 above is better in 
> regards to security, authentication features, reliability, performance 
> etc... and i guess which would be recommended for  providing ./Maildir/ 
> accounts to about 200-300 people VIA Courier IMAP.

I installed Exim recently in favour of Sendmail.  I found it very easy
to setup.  Not necessarily an answer to your question, but one more MTA
to look at.  www.exim.org

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