On Fri, Dec 14, 2007 at 02:26:28PM +0000, RW wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 00:09:41 -0700
> Chad Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hmm -- fair answer.  I was kind of thinking that on FreeBSD I should
> > maybe do such work in csh as the standard shell, but it occurs to me
> > that I'd probably be pretty hard-pressed to find a FreeBSD system
> > without sh on it.
> csh isn't the standard shell, it's just the default login shell for
> root. All of the installed shell scripts are for sh, and the
> sysinstall default for ordinary users is sh.
> I think it's just the case that sysinstall doesn't have normal user
> setup page for the root account, so it's sets a sensible default shell
> for interactive use.

Thanks for clarifying that point.

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
Kent Beck: "I always knew that one day Smalltalk would replace Java.  I
just didn't know it would be called Ruby."
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