On Fri, 1 Feb 2008 15:14:59 +0100
Erik Trulsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Going to single user mode is the less important part of rebooting.
> The other part is that after the reboot you will be running the *new*
> kernel which might possibly be needed for a successful installworld.
> It is also a good test that the new kernel actually work.  If the new
> kernel should fail to work it is fairly easy to use the old kernel
> instead.  If you have already overwritten all userland programs with
> ones which require the new (non-working) kernel it can be difficult
> to recover from.
> Just going to single user mode without rebooting misses the point.
> The important thing is not to go into single user mode, it is to
> *reboot* into single user mode (or even into multi-user mode if you
> want to, but there are fewer things that can go wrong when going to
> single user mode.) 



23.4.5 Drop to Single User Mode

You may want to compile the system in single user mode. Apart from the
obvious benefit of making things go slightly faster, reinstalling the
system will touch a lot of important system files, all the standard
system binaries, libraries, include files and so on. Changing these on
a running system (particularly if you have active users on the system
at the time) is asking for trouble.

Another method is to compile the system in multi-user mode, and then
drop into single user mode for the installation. If you would like to
do it this way, simply hold off on the following steps until the build
has completed. You can postpone dropping to single user mode until you
have to installkernel or installworld.

As the superuser, you can execute:
# shutdown now

from a running system, which will drop it to single user mode.



The greatest productive force is human selfishness.

        Robert Heinlein

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