I'm not going to serve any one, I just want to take a small test drive with 
FreeBSD .
Regarding my graphic card, it is 32 MB, is it ok?
Does FreeBSD come bundled with GNOME?
Thanks demons!

Olivier Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm thinking to install FreeBSD on 
my old PC.
> ---
> Processor: Intel Celeron 1.3 GH
> RAM: 192 MB
> ---
> Is my hard ware sufficient?

Sufficient to do what?

Until not so long ago, my DNS server was a PIII 550 MHz, with
something like 120 MB RAM, serving about 150 clients.

I changed the hardware mostly because I had bigger machines available.


    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, 
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dreamed before.
  E.A Poe

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