hehe.. as usual.. the computer is always right!

my fault.. seeing that 'make all' generates hostname.cf
thought that was enough and never typed make install..


Best regards.

Roberto Nunnari wrote:
Hello Matthew.
Thank you for your reply.

please see my comments below.

Matthew Seaman wrote:
Roberto Nunnari wrote:
yes. here it is.

Thank you.

Wojciech Puchar wrote:

entries in hostname.mc
FEATURE(virtusertable, `hash -o /etc/mail/virtusertable')
FEATURE(genericstable, `hash -o /etc/mail/genericstable')

MX hostnames are all A records.

well, as long as the users receive/send emails from/to external domains
everything works just fine, but when:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sends to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or viceversa

the message gets to the right user, but the from header is
changed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], mailbox that doesn't exists!

could you please show whole hostname.mc

I assume that you've commented out all of the MASQUERADE and GENERICS stuff as part of your attempt to debug the problem and that you ultimately intend
to enable those capabilities.

Not sure.. I had masquerading enabled long ago.. but then I took
it out and it was working just fine, because the host is already
in the right domain.. but now that I need to add virtualdomains
I think I may need it.. right?

Hmmm... not entirely certain, but I believe the part you are missing is:


Tried that, but doesn't help.. but.. one thing that looks odd
to me is this:
# sendmail -bt
ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked)
Enter <ruleset> <address>
 > /map generics a
Map named "generics" not found
 > /map virtuser a
map_lookup: virtuser (a) no match (0)

see? it says that it doesn't know about the generics map!

Any more thoughts on this, please?

Best regards.

This causes sendmail to only apply masquerading to the domains listed in
class {M} -- ie. what is listed in /etc/mail/generics-domains.  Without
that sendmail will also masquerade for any host in class {w} which includes
any contents of /etc/mail/local-host-names,  all the interfaces of your
server by IP and any names those interfaces resolve into as well.  You
can see what the resulting lists are on your system by running

  sendmail -bt

and then typing $=w or $=M at the prompt.



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