On Apr 24, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:

I have just completed an article (mostly how-to) for implementing UFS journaling on a typical desktop PC:

http://store.itsyourftp.com/~sonic2000gr/freebsd/gjournal-desktop/ article.html

It focuses on detailing an easy to follow, repeatable procedure, to install FreeBSD on a typical PC and enable journaling on /usr and possibly /var.
I am using this same procedure on my systems.

I welcome all feedback, please send me any comments, suggestions and corrections.

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"A kernel panic will occur if the journal space is exhausted before it has a chance to be committed."

So the intended behavior is for the kernel to give up(instead of keep trying and maintain reliability), and risk data loss? With a compliant hard drive that doesn't reorder writes, how is journaling better than soft updates?

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