Did you specify the -r flag?  Without that, the PACKAGESITE
environment variable is note used ...

No, I didn't, because -- unless I am misunderstanding the description
of the -r flag -- that will cause pkg_add to look *only* on the FTP
site.  I want it to use packages that have already been downloaded,
and use the FTP site only when a needed package is not available
locally.  I'm trying to install an already-downloaded 10MB package
which has quite a few dependencies, several of which were already
fetched during a previous attempt.

IOW I want the equivalent of specifying the current directory,
followed by the FTP site, in PKG_PATH; but the colon in the URL
messes that up by looking like a pathname separator. If I tried
something like

setenv PKG_PATH 

it would look first in the current directory, then in a subdirectory
named ftp, and finally in a directory named //ftp.freebsd.org/...

PKG_PATH is for directories only, it will not do FTP.

from man pkg_add:
" The value of the PKG_PATH is used if a given package cannot be found.
    The environment variable should be a series of entries separated by
    colons.  Each entry consists of a directory name."

If I understand well, what you are asking is for pkg_add to:

- Search all local paths (in PKG_PATH) for a dependency
- If not found, use PACKAGESITE to download from a site.

As far as I know, pkg_add will only fetch dependencies recursively from the Internet when used with -r but it will then ignore PKG_PATH. Seems what you are asking cannot be done this way, but I might be wrong.
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